1:32 AM

Friday Morning, Tired, Irritable, and Sleep Deprived.

"People with wisdom like yours are mysterious. The people and the planet will at some day be destroyed. Whether the planet's memories exist or not, that is already decided. Assuming that the absolute path you speak of exists. Even so, I think the path to destruction is given to people as a choice"

~Jade Curtiss

So First I'd like to start this off by saying, yes it is early, yes I have neglected to update this, but I'll get better.

So on nights like this, Being Angry Faic and all, I rant. Since it is 1:37 AM as i type this sentance, I can't rant vocally so my keyboard gets the abuse, and it gets put down on paper or well technological web like paper.

Alright first?
I Truly dislike people who are Blatantly Ignorant, Some of them mean well sure. But no. No. No. No.
They fight their side of an arguement so passionately, so one sided, they don't realize every possibility and how easily that they are shot down with logic.
What makes me the most unhappy with them is when logic prevails, they get all butt hurt about it, and try to point out how the one using logic is wrong, using the same idea, the same counter arguement, which in turn is thrust down again.
Some say Ignorance is Bliss....Ignorance does not Equal Bliss, Do not pass go, Do not collect 200 dollars. KTHXBAI!

Topic Two.
Okay, So I love how I've been helping all my friends with their Relationships, while I myself, been gone through a recent break up. It was all fine and dandy, I played with it sure, It was fun.
I decided being me, I'd play on some feelings I've had for a Girl for awhile, Mind you I completely Adore this Girl, she is just amazing in almost every way. ((I Say Almost, cause Well I haven't gotten to know her as well as I could, but We're like Bffz anyway..)) So being me, I played a bit, Screwed something up like my luck preceeds me. and well went on the lay low.
Then one of my Friends, who I've helped out alot, got the one piece of information I needed.
And it wasn't what I wanted to hear, Eh its okay, Not life changing. But it dawned on me.
I'm a Nice guy, I mean people know it, and they come to me for help, and Girls I'm friends with them, but thats all it comes to, they get so used to being friends, some of them pretty close friends, that they decide that nothing more can come of it.
So I Raise this question, as the Rant topic here. Why Is it the Nice guys always get Fucked over?? Tell me this! I would really like to hear!

Moving on. Topic Three
Boredom, Holy Shit, who made it. I'm so sick and tired of sitting in this computer chair Day, after Day, after day, after day. Its Droning. So I decided to sit on my Ps2 and play some games, but that got tiring after awhile. I need to hang with people, My Reflective self needs people to be arround....For Fucks sakes, I need people to hang with, but almost no one Remembers to call KP to tell him when the Party is, Or where we are all meeting. Sure some of my Friends who I love so much ((one being the party stated above.)) Invite me to do things with them. I love it that they do. Its just Some of my other Friends are lacking in that category. I DO EXIST THANKS! I'M NOT DEAD YET!

-Cough- Okay, -Long Sigh- I think that will do it for now....
Now....Really About the Girl who i Just Adore, Sure she says she doesn't think anything will happen more then our Amazing friendship, it doesn't mean I won't give up hope. Just means I could get away with more things then the average person ((I think, I'll find out the line i have but It won't take that long to find))

Well anyway, Past my Obvious rage and tiredness

I'm going to close on a happy note

Love and Peace Everyone!